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Le 24 octobre 2018
The escalation on U.S. – China economic war and its consequences
Tensions between the U.S. and China/ statement of President TRUMP to refuse student visas to Chinese students/ concern among young Chinese students and among American companies /
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Le 23 octobre 2018
Projet de loi concernant la durée des visas H 1B
Visas H 1B/ Travailleurs qualifiés/ Projet de loi/ Durée du Visa H 1B
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Le 24 octobre 2018
H1 B Visas unquestionably attacked by the Trump Administration
Different strategies are currently used by the Trump Administration to reduce the duration of the H1 B visas or to deny H 1B visas. It raises concern among the applicants and among american businesses.
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Le 23 octobre 2018
Tensions commerciales sino-américaine et conséquences sur les visas étudiants
Tensions commerciales sino-américaines / étudiants chinois/ visas étudiants
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