
Professional Immigration

France has streamlined many procedures for specialized workers and executives.

wp>You can count on us to assist you in identifying the proper workers’ visa category and to assist you in the work permit process.

Working in France – who can qualify?

France has established procedures and limitations to restrict the entry of foreign workers to the labor market. Generally a labor certification is required, imposing an obligation on the French employer to first search for candidates already introduced to the French labor market. However, various exceptions exist to these common law rules, in particular the “Passport Talent” status which came into effect as of November 1, 2016.

Personal assistance

Request the assistance of our attorneys to establish your file to ensure success. We will assist you throughout the entire procedure. Is the application for independent or salaried employment? Is the application for a temporary or a permanent hire? Is the application being made in the context of an intercompany transfer? Our office will orient you to the most suitable visa/immigration status.

Preparation of your work visa

While work visa applications often need to be made in short order, advance preparation is required. We can assist you in all respects in preparing the appropriate applications.

Request for recognition of French nationality/naturalization

The attorneys at HAYWOOD MARTIN WISE can assist you in issues relating to French nationality, whether for naturalization by decree or by marriage, or claims of French nationality to the appropriate jurisdictions. Our immigration attorneys in Puteaux – not far from Nanterre and Paris – will accompany you throughout the procedure.

What are your rights to French citizenship?

A naturalization request can be granted to any foreign person residing legally in France for at least five years, continually. This application is submitted to the Préfecture of your place of residence with a complete file of civil records and other documents. Similarly a declaration of French nationality may be made based upon marriage to a French citizen after four years of joint residence in France (or after four years of residence abroad, providing that the French spouse is registered as a French person residing abroad at the Consulate of France, otherwise 5 years).

In addition, our office has specific expertise and experience in petitions to recognize French citizenship through parentage, and litigating claims for French nationality and to reintegrate French nationality.

For other cases

We remain available to assist you for your claims to French citizenship, for instance to submit requests for a French nationality certificates or litigation of any refusals to deliver same.

Whatever your request may be regarding French nationality or naturalization, we are available to assist.

Legal recourse in the case of refusals

Refusals to grant or renew residency card requests, and deportation orders (OQTF), and administrative decisions related to French nationality are subject to appeal in court. We are experienced in litigating such claims in French court.


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