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Le 21 avril 2020 Coronavirus : Economic measures taken by the French Government

The Covid-19 crisis is also having severe economic consequences, in particular for businesses, small shops, independent workers and merchants. The French Government took several measures to help the businesses during this outstanding period.

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Le 20 mars 2020 Fermeture des frontières françaises, quelles conséquences pour les étrangers ?

Depuis ce mardi 17 mars 2020, les frontières extérieures de l’Union européen La France, suivant la proposition de la Commission européenne, a fermé ses frontières mardi 17 mars à midi pour une durée de 30 jours, sous réserve d’une éventuelle prolongati

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Le 23 mars 2020 France has closed its border in its fight against Covid 19: Which consequences ?

On March 17, 2020, the European Union closed its borders in a joint effort to fight against the Covid 19 threat. France, following European Union guidance, therefore closed its borders at noon on Tuesday March 17th for a term of 30 days.

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Le 18 mars 2020 Coronavirus epidemic: Extension of Validity Periods of Visas and Cartes de Séjour

On March 16, 2020, by press release, the French Minister of the Interior announced certain measures regarding the visa/residency status of foreign persons in France as a consequence of the fight against the Covid-19 virus (Coronavirus).

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